Saturday 9 March 2013

WWE Harlem Shake World Record at Wrestlemania?

WWE shakin' all over!

WWE planning new Guinness World Record for Wrestlemania in which they hope to encourage the crowd to perform a Harlem Shake. Previously WWE had intended to hand out masks to set a record for most people wearing them while Sin Cara battles Rey Mysterio. Both their masks would be distributed, however the idea has been abandoned after both stars were suffering injuries or undisclosed reasons leaving television and not enough time or mileage to create a feud.

WWE have already made numerous staff backstage perform a tacky version of shaking, as well as performers doing some of the random dance craze.

Not exactly Gangnam Style, is it? Though it has swept tons of goers worldwide ranging from new music princess Azaelia Banks, with armies, syncronised swimmers, companies like Facebook and Google, the general public and even a washing machine with spoof videos all over. 

WWE should think these angles through before producing a whim for Wrestlemania at the last minute.

©  Max Waltham 09th March 2013
All Rights Reserved

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